Patch Notes-Aug. 26


We will be having our weekly maintenance on August 26 at 08:00 UTC. During this time, players won't be able to log into the game. This is expected to last for two hours.

Here is a list of specific changes that will be applied after maintenance ends.


New Features:

1. Compensation for the skill error will be delivered on Aug 28th.

2. Added compensation reward for this week's maintenance.

3. Increased the chance that Ancient Remains appear.

4. Banned players can now see the reason behind the ban.

5. Improved the description for missiles, chips and construction parts.

6. There's no longer a market broker's fee for selling PLEX.

7. Improved the criteria for judging if a player has completed the tutorial mission Join Corporation.

8. Newly created characters will not be spawned in Jita by default, which is to help with the busy traffic in the area.

9. Added a loading status for the Bio screen.

10. Added a loading status for the Wallet screen.

11. Corporations with no ads will not accidently show up in the Join Corporation list.

12. Increased the default resolution of Low and Medium graphics quality.

13. Fixed the issue where a contract item error would occur after destroying Capsuleer Outposts.

14. It's now possible to claim New Eden Store items in Capsuleer Outposts.

15. Improved the Combat Tutorial as well as its tips during the Novice story.

16. Now you can only loot mission items after eliminating all enemies when doing Storyline missions, and only the player who's doing the mission can loot mission items.

17. Improved the presentation of the Overview Menu when it's blank.

18. Improved the presentation of the Ship Tree page.

19. Improved the reconnecting process.

20. Added visual feedback for tapping the mini map.

21. Replaced the Blueprints icon, making it more distinct.

22. Added push notification to notify the player when their resource extraction time is running out.

23. Improved the presentation of the item info screen.



1. Fixed the issue where stacking modules would lead to incorrect damage.

2. Fixed the issue where some ships' SKINs weren’t rendered properly.

3. Fixed some issues that would occur when a Capsuleer Outpost was destroyed while in use.

4. Fixed the issue caused by irregular data when closing the Fitting screen.

5. Fixed the issue where nonexistent weapons would be displayed.

6. Fixed the issue with resource extraction caused by shutting down the server.

7. Fixed the issue where reactivating Omega would lead to abnormal module attributes.

8. Fixed the issue where the game would crash when player attempted to enter Cosmic Anomalies, making them unable to play the game.