Patch Notes - Nov. 18
We will be having our weekly maintenance on Nov 18 at 08:00 UTC. During this time, players won't be able to log into the game. This is expected to last for two hours.
Patch Notes - Nov. 11
We will be having our weekly maintenance on Nov 11 at 08:00 UTC. During this time, players won't be able to log into the game. This is expected to last for two hours.
Nov. 11 Update Preview
In our upcoming November 11 update, we have added additional balance changes, encounters, contracts and PvE difficulty changes. You can see below for the specific contents.
Patch Notes - Nov. 4
We will be having our weekly maintenance on Nov 4 at 08:00 UTC. During this time, players won't be able to log into the game. This is expected to last for two hours.
Test Content Feedback
Recently, we have received feedback from players on new modules and balance. Below are some answers and our plans of some most popular topics.