Regarding Enforcement of In-game Violations

Capsuleers: In order to ensure a positive experience for all players, and to create a fair gaming environment, we are cracking down on those who commit in-game violations. Detailed measures are as follows:

1. Players who have used bots, in-game scripts, plugins, button wizards and other illegal third-party tools that undermine the fairness of the game, will be banned anywhere from at least 7 days up to permanently. We also invite all players to monitor and report scripts that flood the screen ads in the game and we will continue to take action against such behavior.

2. For illegal in-game trading of ISK and resources, severe punishment will be issued to both buyer as well as the seller. We will ban the account of sellers and deduct the resources the buyers obtained through these illegal transactions. In addition, if RMT is detected between Corporation members, we will enforce penalties for the Corporation leader and members, including but not limited to restrictions on in-game actions, deducting resources, banning, and even disbanding the Corporation, depending on the severity of the case. Please note that any activity involving out-of-game real money transactions will be deemed by the system as RMT. So please cherish your accounts and do not make trades outside of the game.

3. We noticed that a small number of pilots have been requesting refunds maliciously, which will greatly affect the fairness of the game. For those pilots who have behaved as such, depending on the severity, we will freeze their accounts for 30 days or more. They will be permanently banned if serious problems were caused due to this.

4. In order to protect the safety of your accounts, please refrain from the use of any unofficial payment channels. These platforms are extremely risky and can lead to your personal information being compromised, unaccounted for charging, and credit card fraud. Also, the third party may maliciously request a refund later on, resulting in your account being restricted or banned.

Pilots are welcome to report violations in the game and join us in the fight against cheating, and we will continue to work tirelessly to maintain a fair and positive environment for the game. The positive environment of New Eden needs to be maintained by all. Thank you very much for your understanding and support. Fly safe! o7